Your plaques are getting worse, have come back, or have stopped clearing.
Then it’s time to work with a dermatologist on how you can reach your treatment goals. Asking about real clear skin starts with real clear communication with a dermatologist.
If you’ve been taking steps to treat your psoriasis, but are still experiencing symptoms, it may be uncontrolled.
Here are some signs that you should talk to a dermatologist:
Your plaques are getting worse, have come back, or have stopped clearing.
Your symptoms are impacting your daily life or causing you to feel more stressed.
You find yourself doing things to cope, like covering up more than needed or avoiding social situations.
You are experiencing flare-ups, either occasionally or more frequently than before.
You are using over-the-counter treatments in addition to any prescribed treatments.
You have scaly plaques; inflamed lesions; or itching, burning, painful skin.
You are also experiencing joint aches and pains, which could be signs of active psoriatic arthritis.
Your symptoms are impacting your daily life or causing you to feel more stressed.
You find yourself doing things to cope, like covering up more than needed or avoiding social situations.
You are experiencing flare-ups, either occasionally or more frequently than before.
You are using over-the-counter treatments in addition to any prescribed treatments.
You have scaly plaques; inflamed lesions; or itching, burning, painful skin.
You are also experiencing joint aches and pains, which could be signs of active psoriatic arthritis.
Your plaques are getting worse, have come back, or have stopped clearing.
Do any of these sound like your current experience with psoriasis?
Then enough with good enough. Talk to your dermatologist about real clear skin and your treatment goals.
Your dermatologist needs to know the full impact of psoriasis on your daily life. The more open and direct you are, the better they can help you manage your psoriasis.
Remember, the more details you can give your dermatologist, the better they’ll understand how you are doing. Try talking about your treatment goals like this at your next appointment:
I’ve been on my current treatment for [time], but I’m still experiencing [symptom]. I’d like to have [result] by [date]. How can we get there?
To turn your psoriasis experience into an actionable discussion for your next dermatologist appointment, use our interactive Appointment Guide to get a personalized readout with questions to ask your dermatologist about treatment.
If you’ve been hiding and hurting, stressing and scratching, then it’s time to start expecting more out of your psoriasis treatment and start thinking about options you haven’t tried before. Learn more about the different types of available psoriasis treatments, then ask your dermatologist which may help you meet your goals.
Looking for a dermatologist near you? Start the search so you can get started on your path to real clear skin.
Please note: While we update our directory regularly, this list may not have current provider information. This is an AbbVie compiled list of dermatologists known to have prescribed advanced therapies for psoriasis in the past three months. The results shown may not reflect all of the providers in your area. Please see the terms and conditions for additional details.
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